FURtive Glances



D taking ‘Doggy Style’ to new heights

Could D.W. really be man’s best friend? Spotted, D getting dressed for a fur ball. We love a bit of puppy love, but has D gone a bit too far? I think it is time for D to get fixed, before he goes sniffing around the wrong stump.

Belle of the Balls


Spotted. The Big O brushing his bottom next to something equally inflated. Rumour has it that this fella has an affinity for dimpled chins. Be careful O, a flesh-toned crevice may seem inviting, but once you go crack, you never go back.

Macaroni and Sleaze


C.D. Eating for two?

Hello Toronto. It seems that C.D. has a a heifer’s holiday hunger. Spotted, C.D. eating day old macaroni salad until she wanted to throw up. Is it the mayonnaise and gingerbread that is bringing this urge to purge, or does C.D. have a bundle under the bulk of her sweater. C.D. proves that a dangling treat isn’t always worth the extra weight. Watch out boys, this bitch will bite.


Too Many Queers in the Kitschen


M and L on a quest for creature comforts

A house full of ladies, but has M bitten off more than she could chew? Spotted, M and L and droves of socially conscious herbivores, but is there the smell of fish on the menu? Careful M, although the kitties have caught your bait, you may find a little extra surprise in the comforts of an alcove gone sour. I hope you like surprises, because this one is a doozy.

If You Give a Non-Vegan a Cookie…


Seems like K got more than he bargained for when baking up a new batch of yeasty delights.

While wandering through the sketchiest part of the city, K found some surprises in his oven when he least expected it. The pork ribs weren’t the only thing that boasted a meaty bulge.
You know what they say, if you can’t take the heat, stay out of the “kitschen”.

Scandal in the tides of December



We know that winter tides are extra chilly this time of year, but who knew that beach residents would find this mustachioed water dwelling mammal washed up onto shore?
A certain Pink Dead Whale was found beached off the coast of Lake Ontario, with no signs of life to inject into the Toronto party scene. Will PDW get enough groupies to fish him out of this situation, or is PDW more like DOA? Someone better get a net and capture this washed up creature or he’ll end up extinct.

Caught Fleeing the Orient Express


Seems like S has a problem with our friends to the east.

S may be watching Sideways at J’s house, but is she casting a sideways glance at J’s ancestral history? Seems like S indulges on sushi and rice, but says “no way, ni hao” when it comes to sharing the shelves at Walmart with those whose eyes may not be so open to this discovery.
Careful, S, using chopsticks for your effigy burning ceremony might leave splinters in those Western eyes of yours.

Check MATE




How quickly they forget their conquests past. It seems that K is a distant memory as Little A makes her move for a close encounter of the lower west kind.

Spotted. Little A taking a trip to untouched territory. Turns out that a night of games got her thighs tingling.  An old Italian Proverb says that “Once the game is over, the King and pawn go back in the same box.” After her cranial moves and the games are done, will A let her lonely boy slip his pawn into her box? Careful A, possession is nine-tenths of the law and with his king in your court, lonely boy is about to penetrate your walls.

Pollock on the Pavement


E.B. and Z have an appetite for regurgitation

The spirits of the holidays beget the spirits in our stomachs and intoxication makes our holidays more merry. Given the timeless tradition of discussing “where we are” and “where we’ll be” with relatives we only see once a year, a martini seems like a just reward. Spotted, Z on a bit of a drunken frenzy. Be careful Z, although Christmas is the season of giving, your gift is something the sidewalk may want to return (for cash, no credit).

Holiday Walk of Shame


When the boss is away, the coworkers will play. Rumour has it that H, A.S. and E.B were spotted getting the holidays going full tilt at Maro. The ladies were spotted leaving the party early to go to where their night really heated up. The walk of shame isn’t all that shameful when two becomes three and you have a free cab ride home. Don’t get too attached ladies, 3 always becomes 2 and the cheese always stands alone.