Category Archives: Uncategorized

How Do You Make A Queen Beg?


S has a secret we're going to tell

Not just a strap on S’ wrist

We have heard about sex in the Whitehouse, but it looks like Queen M is sinking to new lows. Every Queen needs a few lemmings, but would she really exchange sex for a comrade named S? Rumour has it she did that and more and S has the bruises to prove it. S and M never looked so kinky.

Check Your Ego on the Dance Floor


C.D. making a scene

C.D. making a scene

Why does it always rain on C?

It seems as though drunken text messages were not the only emotional discharges shown on the eve of Lil’ A’s soiree.

Spotted: A and C.D. fighting over blacklisted DJF. Easy ladies, there are enough poly-cotton tanks to go around. Would Scott Stapp cry over D’s spilled milk?

Pap snaps 'Pecker' Quarrel

Pap snaps M and K'

 A New Queen Bee?

‘A’ really knows how to throw a party, but who knew her friends could be so tragic? A TG insider sent us this pic of K in a Hulk-like rage. What did M say that could bring K’s face to last season’s red? It turns out that M rejected this Cobra’s snake and K couldn’t handle the rejection. Sorry K, you’re no longer the king of your castle and it looks like Queen M is in for the fight of her life.

He Comes On the Land Down Under

A Dingo Ate My Pussy

Ah, patio season. The heat makes TG want to expose a little more, including The Big O’s secrets. While warming some biscuits at Little EM’s house, The Big O let it slip that he prefers it when Vegemite is a main ingredient in bed – a recipe he subtly calls ‘Vagamite”. Watch out sheilas, The Big O will pack a punch in those fannies.

Two Wangs, One Wearing Vera

D.W. and The Big O

D.W. and The Big O

The Big O says ‘Yes!’ to more than just nuptials

Spring is here and that means Swine Flu, Susan Boyle and May weddings.  At Toronto Gossip, we would like to raise our glasses to Big O and DW’s new beginning. A word of caution to D.W., The Big O was spotted under Ben Mulrooney’s table at Panorama last week. Something tells us that he wasn’t just looking for his napkin, because no one gets that tired from creme brulee, unless they are giving it.

We hope this still means wedding bells, but who are we kidding, we love a little pre-wedding drama.

Pussy Parade Faux Pas


C.D. spins right round baby

If a bra strap is snapped and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? Enter M.W. with a hunger for some Balut that only C.D. can cure. Careful M.W. we hear that C.D. has made her rounds and we have the evidence to prove it. Can you really trust a gal with this much mileage?


S.L. and C.D.

C.D. and Little A

C.D. and Little A

C.D. and K

C.D. and K

Toto, I Don’t Think We’re in Katimavik Anymore

S Goes West

Rumour has it that S is moving on up to the lower west side. The question is, does she have what it takes to keep those skeletons at bay? I hope you have a strong foundation S, because we wouldn’t want your walls to come crashing down.

Little A Takes Flight


Little A gets a taste of local meat

The cold Toronto weather leaves the glamorous running off to more steamy locales. Spotted, Little A on a flight south of the border. Los Ninos may seem like a spicy dish, but make sure you check IDs before you let any locals into your southern tropics.

Splish Splash, He’s Taking a Stash…



Winter is freezing up the gossip mill, but one thing’s for sure – when K’s out in full swing, it’s not just the weather that’s making private areas a bit comatose.

Word is K was having a little too much fun in the tub with his rubber duckies named “Vicodin” and “Percocet” that he slipped into something a bit too euphoric. Let’s just say it was like a dream. Y’know, the kind of dream involving Stephen Dorff and pop ballads.

Beware, K, this kind of narcotic buffet has a few side effects: loss of facial hair, an allergic reaction to plaid, and an increased tolerance of Asians.

We like you just the way you are, K.

Cross-Eyed and Tongue Tied


Little EM Got More Than Just D.W.’s Pocket Money

Chinese New Year is upon us and what better time for these two Ox-tailed upper east siders to brush more than just their tails. Spotted: D.W. and EM all a mess. Be careful EM, D.W. has a furry secret that he is not willing to shed. I think it is time to take this Old Yeller to the woods.

Ladies First


C.D.  Shares More Than a Kiss

We’ve heard that hormones alter the minds of those expecting, but will that affect their vision? Spotted: C.D. indulging in her favourite dessert. Could she be troubled with the question mark hovering over our heads as to the whereabouts of a baby daddy gone AWOL. Careful CD, you are one kiss away from a move in date and I don’t think you’re ready. This dish is so good, it has got to be fattening.