Tag Archives: C.D.

Check Your Ego on the Dance Floor


C.D. making a scene

C.D. making a scene

Why does it always rain on C?

It seems as though drunken text messages were not the only emotional discharges shown on the eve of Lil’ A’s soiree.

Spotted: A and C.D. fighting over blacklisted DJF. Easy ladies, there are enough poly-cotton tanks to go around. Would Scott Stapp cry over D’s spilled milk?

Pap snaps 'Pecker' Quarrel

Pap snaps M and K'

 A New Queen Bee?

‘A’ really knows how to throw a party, but who knew her friends could be so tragic? A TG insider sent us this pic of K in a Hulk-like rage. What did M say that could bring K’s face to last season’s red? It turns out that M rejected this Cobra’s snake and K couldn’t handle the rejection. Sorry K, you’re no longer the king of your castle and it looks like Queen M is in for the fight of her life.

Ladies First


C.D.  Shares More Than a Kiss

We’ve heard that hormones alter the minds of those expecting, but will that affect their vision? Spotted: C.D. indulging in her favourite dessert. Could she be troubled with the question mark hovering over our heads as to the whereabouts of a baby daddy gone AWOL. Careful CD, you are one kiss away from a move in date and I don’t think you’re ready. This dish is so good, it has got to be fattening.

Macaroni and Sleaze


C.D. Eating for two?

Hello Toronto. It seems that C.D. has a a heifer’s holiday hunger. Spotted, C.D. eating day old macaroni salad until she wanted to throw up. Is it the mayonnaise and gingerbread that is bringing this urge to purge, or does C.D. have a bundle under the bulk of her sweater. C.D. proves that a dangling treat isn’t always worth the extra weight. Watch out boys, this bitch will bite.